Our new products HL-950 vertical value counter is featured by streamlined and simple design. The “CUR” button selects the currency. “DENO” key selects the denomination, and “SPEED” button selects the counting speed. Facing operation failure or abnormal condition in the counting process, such as the counterfeit money, half note and folded money, the machine automatically stops and displays the fault code, so user can make timely adjustment. Take out the notes in the cash outlet and the machine continues to work. The multifunctional capacity of HL-950 vertical value counter includes automatic continuous counting and automatic resetting without manual reset. It is easy to operate.
Zhejiang Henry Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Add: 11 Bldg ,Section B ,Shoes Ind,Eco Development
Area ,Pingyang, Wenzhou,325401,P,R.China
Tel:. +86-577-63613566
Fax: +86-577-63616789
Mobil: +86-13587549002
Skype: henry05china
E-mail: henry01@henry-tech.com
Whatsapp: +86 15258689664